Love, Joy, Peace...

January 19 - From Aaron Ellis - Pray for Xander.

January 19 - From Pastor Krueger - Lord, thank You for the guests You have brought in Your house today.  Thank You for all those we were able to meet yesterday.  Help us to continue to faithfully point them to You.

January 19 - From Mara Rugen - Lord, Your hand is truly at work.  Thank you for the opportunity to meet more people in the community at the Icy Inferno.

January 19 - From Heather Krueger - Lord, continue to be with our friends at Mt Lebanon who are going through hard challenges.

January 19 - From Pam Krueger - For the family of Larry Lindesmith (our brother-in-law's father) who grieve his passing even while celebrating his homecoming to heaven.

January 19 - For Pat Peterson - Lord, be with Pat as she awaits surgery on her hip.  Alleviate her pain.  Grant her patience. Keep her in Your almighty power.

January 13 - From Pat Peterson - Dear Jesus, please continue to be with Pat as she seeks relief from the pain her teeth have been causing her.  Help the root canal she had this past week to alleviate that pain.  Help Your church to continue to grow!

January 12 - From Pastor Krueger - Lord, fill us with Your Holy Spirit to serve You with all our being and to seek the kingdom opportunities You have set in place for us to discover and to seize. Be with the visitors who are with us today and set Your Spirit to work in their hearts as well. In whatever way possible, help us to encourage them and help them to grow in their faith.

January 12 - From Chris Ellis - Lord, be with John, a friend at work, who is losing his battle with cancer.  In the time he has remaining help him to get the pain management necessary to spend and enjoy time with his family.  Use this time also to open His heart to see you as the ultimate deliverance from both his sin and his suffering.

January 12 - From Anonymous - Lord, we pray for those affected by the fires in LA, many of whom have lost all of their earthly belongings.  Point them to Christ to see the goodness He shows every day, even through unimaginable hardships!

January 12 - From Anonymous - Lord, lead us to develop new relationships within the community - and give us a heart to put this (Your kingdom) first despite the many distractions in our lives!

January 05 - From Pastor Krueger - Please pray for our friend Leanne whose husband, Dave, was called home to heaven last week.  We're thankful, Lord, for Dave's example of faith and ask that You would be with Leanne and comfort her in her distress.  Please also be with Heather's coworker who lost her husband over Christmas. Provide opportunity for those around her who know the truth of Your Gospel to share it with her in this time.

January 05 - From Chastity Ellis - Lord, help the Ellis family to recover from all of the illness they have been dealing with.  Keep Patty Laney (Chris's Grandma) healthy and strong.

January 05 - From Shelly Jeffs - Please pray for my son.  He is currently going through homelessness and Spiritual warfare.  Pray for Spencer that his heart would be open to wanting to learn about God.

December 29 - From Pam Krueger - Pray for my mom's health and that she receives the care that she needs.

December 24 - From Shelly Jeffs - For help with financial difficulties.

December 24 - From Lynsie Schow - My friend Natasha will be having her baby soon @ 35 weeks and there are serious heart complications involved for her baby.

December 24 - From Ellis Family - Sharon's mom is having health issues, please keep her in our prayers.

December 24 - From Heather Krueger - Safe travels for everyone, and grant patience with any delays.

December 22 - From the Ellis Family - Safe travels for Alexis and all the families who have loved ones traveling.

December 22 - From Lynsie Schow - Joe's stepfather is having a difficult time with his mother who has dementia.

December 22 - From Aaron Ellis - Pray for Alexis.

December 15 - From Miriam - Pray for my roommates to yet know God.

December 15 - From Chris Ellis - Pray for my coworker John who is fighting and losing a battle against inoperable cancer in his back near his bladder.  The cancer is pushing on his spine and causing a lot of pain.  John rejects the Lord.  Please pray that God would soften his heart.

December 15 - From Mark and Jayne - Prayers for safe travels.

December 15 - From Mike Krueger - Prayers for those traveling to keep them safe.  We pray that we would see You working around us and what you have given us to do. 

December 8 - From Mara Rugen - A prayer of thanksgiving for Caroline's Birthday on the 11th and a prayer for God to be with her in the coming year of life.

December 8 - From Chastity Ellis - Please keep Vicky and Layne in your prayers as Layne is recovering after a medical emergency where he had two stents put in and Vicky is still recovering from her surgery in November.

December 8 - From Pat Peterson - For my brother's PET scan and my oral surgery this Wednesday.

December 8 - From Mike Krueger - Pray for those traveling over the holidays (Nitz's, Heather's Mom, etc.).

December 8 - From Mark Nitz - For Bob and Holly, Mike and Pam's neighbors, that they would accept Pam's invitation.

December 6 - From Chastity Ellis - My friend's mother is having a medical emergency where she may lose her eyesight caused by a tear inside her eye.  Praying for the doctors to make the diagnosis, recovery and peace and comfort for her mom and for her family. 

December 3 - For Pam Krueger - Please keep Pam's family in your prayers. Her Aunt Tress was called home to heaven this week after 96 blessed years on earth.  She leaves behind a dozen children and many grandchildren and great grandchildren.  We pray for her entire family that they might be comforted with the peace of salvation and the resurrection that Christ has promised for Tress and for all of His children.

December 1 - From Mike Krueger - Pray that all of us would look for and see the opportunities that Jesus places in our lives.

December 1 - From Pat Peterson - Please continue to pray for my brothers both of whom have cancer and especially for my younger brother, that he gets God back in his heart.

November 28 - From Caroline Butcher - Please pray for my stomach to heal and for my family.

Novmber 24 - From Pastor Krueger - Lord God, bless our gathering this Thursday as we bring you thanks for the blessings you have poured out upon us and as Grace, Joe, Lynsie, Soren, and Rowen come to you for your amazing gift of Baptism.  Continue to work through our church to bring others the gifts of Your saving Word.

November 24 - From Mike and Pam Krueger - Prayers for Vicky Read to keep a positive outlook during her recovery.  Pray that all of us would see the opportunities that God has placed before us.

November 24 - From Mara Rugen - Pray for Christians to exemplify the Fruit of the Spirit in their daily lives.

November 24 - From Miriam Wood - For people to follow God and His plans.

November 24 - From Amos - For not hitting people.

November 24 - From Mark Nitz - Pray for all those who will be traveling this Thanksgiving and for the Nitz's extended family.

November 24 - From Pat Peterson - Please pray for my brother who has cancer, to bring him to know that he needs Jesus in his heart.  Thanks to God for my brother Nick who has the tumor on his kidney.  The doctors have determined that it has not spread anywhere else and will be able to remove it in February!

November 24 - From Dave and Pam Lepus - Prayers for Caroline, who is not feeling well; Lindsay Johnston, who has breast cancer; Sylvia Cortez, who suffered a stroke; and Josh Barrow, who has a pneumothorax. 

November 17 - From Miriam Wood - Pray for this church.

November 17 - From Caroline Butcher - Prayers for God's blessings on her 53rd birthday which will be on Wednesday, December 11 and for Joshua as he moves into his new house.

November 17 - From Heather Krueger - Prayers for a smooth transition as I go back to work in the coming weeks.

November 16 - From Pat Peterson - Please pray for her brother Nick who lives in AZ. They found a tumor half the size of his kidney and will inspect on Friday to see if it is removable or has spread elsewhere as well. And for her sister, Glory, who is continuing to recover at Pat's home following her knee surgery.

November 10 - From Rob Nack - Safe travels for Rob's work, continued healing for Jackie, and keeping Grace healthy. 

November 10 - From Chastity Ellis - Vicki Read is having surgery on Monday morning - please keep her safe and in our prayers.

November 10 - From Pam Krueger - Thanksgiving for my Dad's successful heart procedure and prayer of peace and healing for Vicki Read.

November 09 - For Mara Rugen - Thanks to God for successful wisdom teeth removal and for quick healing.

November 09 - For Pat Peterson - Thank God for successful surgery on Glory's knee and ask that He would be with her now as she recovers and with Pat as she helps her through the recovery process.

November 03 - From Pam Lepus - Pray for my friend Lindsay, who is fighting breast cancer and for Sylvia who had a stroke and still has bleeding in her brain.

November 03 - From Pat Peterson - Please pray for my brother Tim who has terminal cancer, my sister Marsha who has terminal cancer, my sister Glory who has knee surgery on Nov. 5, and please pray for this country. 

November 03 - From Caroline Butcher - God bless my brothers and sisters, my sister Pam and Dave, and Joshua.

November 03 - From an Ellis Student - A friend from school is having problems at home and is struggling with anxiety.

October 30 - From Heather Krueger - For wisdom and confidence that God has a plan to bless my decisions related to returning to work.

August 27 - From Pam Lepus - My director at work, Lindsay, has been fighting breast cancer. She just finished one round of chemo and had an ultrasound and the doctor thinks they didn't get rid of the cancer so she has to go back for more chemo. Please pray for healing.

August 26 - From Pastor Krueger - Prayers for the family of Heather's Aunt Caroline who was called home to heaven this past night.

August 25 - From Rob and Jackie Nack - Thanks be to God for the birth of Grace Ann Nack!  Born at 9:57AM, on August 25, 2024. 7lbs 3oz.  

August 23 - From Heather Krueger - My Aunt Caroline is in hospice care. May God grant her and her family peace in her final days as she prepares to meet her Savior.